【判断题】猪喘气病的病原体是支原体,该病的主要临床症状是拉血痢( )
【单选题】Cancer is among the top killer diseases in our society today and scientists have found out that stress helps to bring it on. It is worthwhile to consider, therefore, what are the causes of stress in o...
Freedom from responsibilities helps relieve stress.
Stress is the direct cause of cancer.
The causes of stress are worthy of serious study.
Cancer is the number one killer in our society today.
【判断题】两块平板玻璃构成空气劈形膜,左边为棱边,用单色平行光垂直入射.若上面的平板玻璃慢慢地向上平移,则干涉条纹 向远离棱边的方向平移且 条纹间隔不变。
【单选题】脑水肿病人静脉滴注 20% 甘露醇 500ml ,要求在 50 分钟内滴完 , 输液速度应为