【简答题】When air is in rapid motion , there is a decrease of pressure as the speed of the air increases and an increase of pressure as the speed of the air decreases.
【单选题】某新生儿,第 14天,孕36周分娩,出生体重2000g,母乳喂养为主,生后48小时出现黄疸,持续至今,吃奶尚好,大便黄色,测血清胆红素为256 μ mol/L(15mg/d1),以间接胆红素为主。最可能的诊断是:( )
【单选题】足三里穴是从《黄帝内经》传下来的古老的常用保健穴,它属于 ( )经穴。
【单选题】The sounds in the production of which there is an obstruction of the air-stream at Some point the vocal tract are called