【简答题】Mr. Patel: What's (1) on here? Mateo: We're (2) , Mr. Patel. Why don't you join us? Mr. Patel: I can't do that. I haven't touched my (3) in years. Mateo: It's good for you. C'mon, (4) it. Mr. Patel: W...
【单选题】“真理是客观的,凡真理都有客观性”,这是真理问题上的( ) 。
【简答题】Directions: Complete the response to Jack's questions below.Why don't we In my opinion How about I'm afraid I see I think Victor:____________ what you mean, but we've got to start somewhere, and a ...
【单选题】Certains aiment les grandes villes, ______ préfèrent la campagne. Pourquoi pas? Tout le monde a raison.
【单选题】Certains aiment les grandes villes, ____________ préfèrent la campagne. Pourquoi pas? Tout le monde a raison.
【简答题】用适当的介词填空 1. Sandy is wearing a cat's costume. Does she look ________ a cat? 2. Why don't you give the child a candle ________ a treat? 3. All the children are wearing special costumes ________ masks. ...
【简答题】18( 1 )在下面一段文字横线处补写恰当的语句,使整段文字语意完整连贯,内容贴切,逻辑严密。每处不超过 15个字。(6分) 前人有诗说: “国家不幸诗家幸,赋到沧桑句便工”。此语当然有理。不过,在过去的时代里,不仅是国家不幸, 1 ,才能写出血泪交迸、苍生息息相通的诗文。如果屈原得意于庙堂之上,李白沦为供奉之臣,杜甫也居画屋高楼, 2 ,如同夜空最灿烂的星辰宣告缺席。柳宗元在政治上失败,生活也坎...
【判断题】1918 年 5 月,鲁迅在《新青年》4 卷 5 号上发表了《阿 Q 正传》,这是 第一篇现代白话短篇小说。( )