【简答题】触点开关式节气门位置传感器当节气门关闭时,怠速触点( )、功率触点( ),怠速触点输出端子输出的信号为低电平“( )”,功率触点输出端子输出的信号为高电平“( )”。
【单选题】当节气门关闭或开度大于1.2度时,综合式节气门位置传感器怠速触点断开,其输出端“IDL”输出( )V电压。
【简答题】Karen and Kevin work in a hospital . They (go)to school.
【单选题】对于触点开关式节气门位置传感器,当怠速触点和功率触点都处于断开状态时,ECU将判定发动机处于( )。
【简答题】Complete the conversation with the adjectives on the ppt. (用ppt中所学的形容词填空) A: One of the things I like about living in a big city is that you can see people from all over the world and learn about thei...
【单选题】触点开关式节气门位置传感器,当节气门开度增大时(开度大于50%)时,节气门接近全部开启时,凸轮转动使功率触点( ),怠速端子保持( )。
【简答题】Christmas was just a week away and I had five people left to shop for but only three dollars. 'Let's set a price limit on our gifts this year,'I suggested to my best friend Joanie. 'That's a good idea...
【单选题】当节气门关闭或开度小于1.2度时,综合式节气门位置传感器怠速触点闭合,其输出端“IDL”输出( )V电压。
【单选题】Karen and Kevin _________ at the hospital.