【单选题】What are those of us who have chosen careers in science and engineering able to do about our current problems? First, we can help destroy the false impression that science and engineering have caused ...
have caused the current world problems
have made life better for more people
will, if not in the past, better people's life in the future
can not bring a better life for most people
【简答题】2008 年 5 月 2 日,强热带风暴“纳尔吉斯”在缅甸伊洛瓦底省海基岛附近登陆,最高时速达 240 公里。截至 16 日,缅甸强热带风暴造成的死亡人数上升至 77738 人,失踪人数为55917 人,受伤人数为 19359 人。读图Ⅰ和图Ⅱ(图Ⅰ中沿北纬 20°地形剖面图),回答下列各题。 小题1:关于缅甸所在半岛的叙述,正确的是 A.位于亚欧板块与太平洋板块交界处,地震频繁 B.经济发展快,...
【简答题】患者,男性,70岁。不慎从床上摔下,右髋着地。X线示右股骨颈头下骨折。GardonⅣ型。一般情况可,化验检查基本正常。查体股骨颈骨折与股骨粗隆间骨折的主要区别是A、加强试验阳性 B、直腿抬高试验阳性 C、患侧下肢外旋60° D、患侧下肢轴向叩击痛 E、患侧下肢短缩畸形 最不可能出现缺血性坏死的骨折脱位是A、距骨颈骨折 B、股骨颈骨折 C、舟骨腰部骨折 D、月骨骨折脱位 E、股骨粗隆间骨折 关于股骨...
【单选题】下列关于平行运行图通过能力的论述,正确的是( )。
【简答题】(题干)男性,30岁。右下腹间断性腹痛2年,无发热。1年前有急性阑尾炎发作时,选择保守治疗后好转。查体:麦氏点固定压痛,无肌紧张及反跳痛。 该患者诊断考虑为A.慢性阑尾炎 B.慢性附件炎 C.回盲部结核 D.阑尾癌 E.克罗恩病 慢性阑尾炎诊断的要点中,最重要的是A.典型的急性阑尾炎发作史 B.右下腹反复疼痛 C.右下腹有固定位置的压痛点 D.钡餐造影阑尾不充盈 E.除外阑尾肿瘤等病变 关于慢性阑...
【单选题】下列关于平行运行图通过能力的论述,正确的是( )。
【单选题】What are those of us who have chosen careers in science and engineering able to do about our current problems? First, we can help destroy the false impression that science and engineering have caused ...
have caused the current world problems
have made life better for more people
will, if not in the past, better people's life in the future
can not bring a better life for most people
【多选题】风管支、吊架安装间距要求:风管水平安装,直径或长边尺寸小于等于 400mm ,间距不应大于( ) m ;大于 400mm ,不应大于( ) m