【单选题】《 药品委托生产批件 》 有效期满将继续生产的,在有效期满前( )个月,办理延期手续。
【判断题】New as I was to the faculty, I could have told this speciman a number of things. (para 2) "New as I was to the faculty", means that "although I was new to the faculty".
【单选题】(Para.2) New as I was to the faculty, I could have... 前半句等同于
Although I was new to the faculty,
I was as new as the faculty
【判断题】"New as I was to the faculty" means "as I was new to the faculty".
【简答题】New as I was to the faculty , I could have told this specimen a number of things. (para. 2) Does "New as I was to the faculty" mean "As I was new to the faculty" or"Although I was new to the facult...