【单选题】计算矩阵A中各列的相关系数矩阵的命令是( ).
【单选题】求矩阵A的正交矩阵的MATLAB命令是( )
【简答题】阅读材料,根据要求完成教学设计。 下面为初中物理某教材“电磁铁”一节中“探究电磁铁的磁性与哪些因素有关”的演示实验。 演示: 把滑动变阻器、电流表和一定匝数的线圈(内部有铁钉)串联起来,通过开关接到电源上。 调整变阻器的滑片,改变电路中的电流。观察通入不同大小的电流时,电磁铁吸引曲别针的数目有什么变化。 改换不同匝数的螺线管,比较不同匝数电磁铁的磁性。 任务: (1)说明教材中“改换不同匝数的螺线...
【简答题】把矩阵A分解为一个下三角矩阵L、上三角矩阵U和一个置换矩阵P的命令是( )
【单选题】库房内地面有水,但相对湿度在60%以上,这样的库房是( )储存焊条的。
【单选题】Which of the following is closest to the point Postman is trying to make in this essay?
Euphemism, by introducing new ways of labeling old notions into the vocabulary of a language, alters language user's conception of the world.
Euphemism is not a contemptible process because a name is nothing more than a label, and giving pretty names to ugly realities will not alter people's perception of them.
More than the coinage of an alternative for a less agreeable term in a language, euphemism is a useful means in effecting change in language user's beliefs and attitudes when such a change is called for by social trends.