PARTTWO Directions: Thereare 6 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions orunfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B),C), D). You should decide on the best and mark the corresponding letter onAnswer Sheet with a single line through the centre. Passage1 Questions21-25are based on the following passage. Whatdoes it mean to say that we live in a world of persuasion? It means that welive among competing interests. Your roommate’s need to study for an exam maytake priority over pizza. Your instructor may have good reasons not to changeyour grade. And the object of your romantic interest may have other options. Insuch a world, persuasion is the art of getting others to give fair andfavorable consideration to our point of view. When we persuade, we want toinfluence how others believe and behave. We may not always prevail ---otherpoints of view may be more persuasive, depending on the listener, thesituation, and the merits of the case. But when we practice the art ofpersuasion, we try to ensure that our position receives the attention itdeserves. Somepeople, however, object to the very idea of persuasion. They may regard it asan unwelcome intrusion into their lives or as a manipulation or domination. Incontrast, we believe that persuasion is inevitable---to live is to persuade.Persuasion may be ethical or unethical, selfless or selfish, inspiring ordegrading. Persuaders may enlighten our minds or prey on our vulnerability.Ethical persuasion, however, calls on sound reasoning and is sensitive to thefeelings and needs of listeners. Such persuasion can help us apply the wisdomof the past to the decisions we now must make. Therefore, an essential part ofeducation is learning to resist the one kind of persuasion and to encourage andpractice the other. Beyondits personal importance to us, persuasion is essential to society. The right topersuade and be persuaded is the bedrock of the American political system,guaranteed by the First Amendment to the Constitution. 21.What is the main idea of this passage? A). We live among competing interests. B). When we persuade, we want to influence others. C). Persuasion is both good and bad, and it is all around us. D). Persuasion is essential to society and is built into the government. 22.The passage states that some people objectto persuasion because they think it is ____. A).dangerous to the Constitution B).difficult to do well C). never successful D). an unwelcome intrusion 23. According to the passage, persuasionmeans to _____. A).get people to agree with you and do what you want B).getother people to consider your point of view C).exercisepower over other people D).becomea politician 24. What is the main idea of the thirdparagraph? A).To live is to persuade. C).We live among competing interests. D).Persuasion can be ethical or unethical. 25.The author’s purpose in writing thispassage is to _____. A).tell an interesting story B).persuade the reader that a point of view is correct. C).entertain the reader with many interesting examples D).appealto the reader’s senses Passage2 Questions26-30are based on the following passage. Artis considered by many people to be little more than a decorative means ofgiving pleasure. This is not always the case, however, at times, art may beseen to have purely functional side as well. Such could be said of the sandpaintings of the Navaho Indians of the American Southwest; these have amedicinal as well as an artistic purpose. According to Navaho traditions, one who suffers from either a mental orphysical illness has in some way disturbed or come in contact with thesupernatural—perhaps a certain animal, a ghost, or the dead. To counteract thisevil contact, the sick person or one of his relatives will attract a powerfulsupernatural being. During the ceremony, which may last from 2to 9days, the“singer” will produce a sand painting on the floor of the Navaho house. On thelast day of the ceremony, the patient will sit on this sand painting and the“singer” will rub the sick parts of the patient’s body with sand from aspecific figure in the sand painting. In this way the patient absorbs the powerof that particular supernatural being and becomes strong like it. After theceremony, the sand painting is then destroyed and disposed of so its power willnot harm anyone. Theart of sand painting is handed down from old “singers” to their students. Thematerials used are easily found in the areas the Navaho inhabit: brown, red,yellow, and white sandstone, which is ground into powder by being crushedbetween two stones much as corn is ground into flour. The “singer” holds asmall amount of this sand in his hand and lets it flow between his thumb andforefinger onto a clean, flat surface on the floor. With a steady hand andgreat patience, he is thus able to create designs of people, snakes and othercreatures that have power in the Navaho belief system. 26. The word “decorative” in Paragraph 1most probably refers to ___. A).functional B).medicinal C).artistic D).pure 27.According to the Navaho traditions,one is ill because he has met with _____. A).something with supernatural powers B).a dead goat C).any animal D).too many dead people 28. How can a sick person recover fromhis illness according to the passage? A).He must avoid the evil contact. B).He needs help from another powerful supernatural being. C).He must draw a sand painting. D).He must sing at a ceremony. 29. The reason for the sand painting tobe destroyed after the ceremony is _____. A).not to allow others to use it freely B).to harm the patient C).not to harm others D).to protect the patient 30.Which of the following is TRUE of the designs of people, snakes and othercreatures created by the “singer” ? A).They are sand paintings. B).They have healing powers. C).They attract supernatural beings. D).All of the above Passage3 Questions31-35are based on the following passage. Spaceis a dangerous place, not only because of meteors ( 流星 ) butalso because of rays from the sun and other stars. The atmosphere again acts asour protective blanket on earth. Light gets through, and this is essential forplants to make the food which we eat. Heat, too, makes our environmentendurable. Various kinds of rays come through the air from outer space, butenormous quantities of radiation from the sun are screened off. As soon as menleave the atmosphere they are exposed to this radiation but their spacesuits orthe walls of their spacecraft, if they are inside, do prevent a lot ofradiation damage. Radiation is the greatest knowndanger to explorers in space. The unit of radiation is called "rem".Scientists have reason to think that a man can put up with far more radiationthan 0.1 rem without being damaged; the figure of 60 rems has been agreed on.The trouble is that it is extremely difficult to be sure about radiationdamage-- a person may feel perfectly well, but the cells of his or her sexorgans may be damaged, and this will not be discovered until the birth ofdeformed ( 畸形的 )children or even grandchildren. Missions of the Apollo flights have had tocross belts of high amount of rems. So far, no dangerous amounts of radiationhave been reported, but the Apollo missions have been quite short. We simply donot know yet how men are going to get on when they spend weeks and monthsoutside the protection of the atmosphere, working in a space laboratory. Drugsmight help to decrease the damage done by radiation, but no really effectiveones have been found so far. 31. According to the first paragraph, the atmosphere is essential to man inthat ______. A). it protects him against theharmful rays from space B). it provides sufficient light forplant growth C). it supplies the heat necessaryfor human survival D). it screens off the fallingmeteors 32. We know from the passage that ______. A ).exposure to even tiny amounts ofradiation is fatal B). the effect of exposure toradiation is slow in coming C).radiation is avoidable in spaceexploration D). astronauts in spacesuits needn'tworry about radiation damage 33. The harm radiation has done to the Apollo crew members ______. A). is insignificant B). seems overestimated C). is enormous D). remains unknown 34. It can be inferred from the passage that ______. A). the Apollo mission was verysuccessful B). protection from space radiation is noeasy job C). astronauts will have deformedchildren or grandchildren D). radiation is not a threat towell-protected space explorers 35. The best title for this passage would be ______. A). The Atmosphere and OurEnvironment B). Research on Radiation C). Effects of Space Radiation D). Importance of ProtectionAgainst Radiation Passage4 Questions36-40are based on the following passage. Thename “United Nations”, coined by United States President Franklin D.Roosevelt,was first used in the Declaration of 1 January 1942, during the Second WorldWar, when representatives of 26 nations pledged their Governments to continuefighting together against the Axis Powers. States first established international organizations to cooperate onspecific matters. The International Telecommunication Union was founded in 1865as the International Telegraph Union, and the Universal Postal Union wasestablished in 1874. Both are now United Nations specialized agencies. In1899,the International Peace Conference was held in The Hague to elaborateinstruments for settling crises peacefully, preventing wars and codifying rulesof warfare. It adopted the Convention for the Pacific Settlement ofInternational Disputes and established the Permanent Court of Arbitration,which began work in 1902. Theforerunner of the United Nations was the League of Nations, an organizationconceived in similar circumstances during the First World War, and establishedin 1919 under the Treaty of Versailles “to promote international cooperationand to achieve peace and security”. The International Labor Organization wasalso created under the Treaty of Versailles as
【单选题】蛋白质的磷酸化是在 的催化下,把ATP或GTP的磷酸基转移到底物蛋白质氨基酸残基上的过程。
磷脂酶 C ( PLC )
蛋白激酶( PK )
蛋白激酶 C ( PKC )
蛋白磷酸酶( PP )
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【多选题】施工项目竣工质量验收的依据主要包括( )。
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