【简答题】“You realize that you were driving at 100 mph, don’t you?” “No, officer. I ______. This car can’t do more than 80.” a. didn’t need to be b. may not have been c. couldn’t have been d. needn’t have...
【判断题】Culture can be divided into different levels with different way sof expressions, such as high culture and pop culture.
【简答题】根据材料回答 31~34 问题: 某单线铁路隧道要求工期36个月,全长7.5kin,只有进出口有进洞条件,隧道中间高洞口低,出口洞口段有20m长的坡积层,厚度较厚;进口段为风化岩有部分节理判定为Ⅲ级围岩,进洞施工时为旱季。 问题: 第 31 题 该隧道进洞应采取什么措施?简述其施工步骤。 【您的答案】 空 【参考解析】:进口宜采取小导管超前注浆加固围岩,台阶法短进尺开挖,锚喷支护紧跟,初期支护尽早...
【多选题】与传统农业保险模式相比,指数保险的优势有( )