【判断题】Sounds are said to be in contrastive distribution if they appear in the same environment.()
【单选题】听力原文:A: About big international issues: what do you see as the most important environmental issues of the moment? B: It’s quite difficult to make a kind of hierarchy of worry here, because so many iss...
【简答题】对于下列命题:①函数 在区间 内有零点的充分不必要条件是 ;②已知 是空间四点,命题甲: 四点不共面,命题乙:直线 和 不相交,则甲是乙成立的充分不必要条件;③“ ”是“对任意的实数 , 恒成立”的充要条件;④“ ”是“方程 表示双曲线”的充分必要条件.其中所有真命题的序号是 .
【简答题】已知空间曲线【图片】在【图片】平面上的投影柱面为【图片】,在【图片】平面上的投影柱面为【图片】,则下列方程表示的曲线与【图片】相同的有( ).A. B. C. D.
【单选题】According to the passage, some slumdwellers are not interested in improving their environments because they ______.
are unsure of their residency
are used to the president environment
are homogeneous and anonymous