A tour of the company Stephan is taking a group of apprentices around the company; Right now, we're going to go this way round, past Reception on our left and the library on our right. Opposite the library we have the conference room on our left, where we have our important meetings. Next, on our left we have the canteen we have IT, short for Information Technology. Next, on our right, next to IT, we have finance. Now straight ahead of us we have Production. These are the people who manufacture our products. This department is very big and it runs all along this side of the building, as we turn right. Now around the corner we come to UK Sales here on our left. These are the people who sell our productions to the home market high street retail organisations. Opposite UK Sales we have teh Personnel department. They are responsible for training and looking after all employee contracts. Now let's go around the corner again. Here we have International Sales. Moving on, we come to Customer Service on our left. This is the section that gies after sales support to our customers. Finally, we come to the mail room. These are the people who deal with all our mail in and all our mail out. They handle thousands of pieces of mail evey day.