The words listed in the fo l lowing box can be used to describe either a teenager or a parent. Go over each word carefully and then choose the right word to complete each sentence. frustrated rebellious restless stubborn frustrated lenient over-protective possessive strict He is a very 1) _____ father. He says"no" to all his daughter's boyfriends. A(n) 2) ________ parent usually weakens his/her child's belief in his her ability to solve his / her own problems 。 Are you a(n) 3) ________ parent whose teenager always makes angry scenes when you try to get him or her to"just DO something"? His 4) ______ mother wants him to ring her 3 times a day at least to keep her informed of what he does at schoo l. It is often the case that in a family one parent is usually slightly 5) _______ and the other is slightly 6)_______ . Teenagers are rather 7 ) _______ as they often prefer to be on their own and refuse to listen to their parents. Don't blame him: he's just a(n) 8 ) _________ teenager who feels that he is unable to find his position in life . Don't blame him for not wanting to stay at home. He is just a 9 ) ________ teenager longing for adventure . She used to be a(n) 10 ) ________ teenager who thought that whatever she believed was correct.