【单选题】已知某化学反应是吸热反应,如果升高温度,则对反应的反应速率系数 k 和标准平衡常数 K Ө 的影响是
【判断题】学前儿童贫血是6个月一3岁幼儿常见的营养性疾病,是由于缺乏VD,使钙、磷吸收受到影响而引起的骨骼发育障碍。( )
【单选题】Topic sentence:I easily give up doing my homework. F.Often , in the middle of an assignment , I decide that my shoes need polishing and do that instead of the assignment in front of me.
I always start to feel hungry and go into the kitchen for a snack.
I’ ll leave my studying to investigate any noise I hear.
While I study,I try to listen to the radio with one ear.
For me,physics is the hardest subject.
【多选题】Below is a sentence from Shakespeare’s Hamlet , “If your messenger find him not there, seek him i’ the other place yourself.” This sentence reflects the change in ________ in modern English.
process of simplification
【简答题】根据以下内容编写一个教学设计。(要求写出教学目标、教学重难点、教学方法,并用实例展示教学方法) 人能够能动地认识世界 意识活动具有目的性和计划性。人们在反映客观世界的时候。总是抱有一定的目的和动机.在实施行动之前还要制定蓝图、目标、行动方式和行动步骤等。蜜蜂筑巢、蜘蛛织网等,表面看起来似乎有某种预定的目标和计划。其实不然。它们既不知道自己在做什么,也不知道为什么要这样做。它们的操作纯粹是无目的的本...
【多选题】Which of the following sentences are included in replies of the sentence—“How are you?” ?
Not very well, I’ m afraid.
【单选题】汽车发电机主要由( )、端盖和电刷总成组成
【单选题】Choose the best topic sentence. (Topic sentence missing) M y car always smells like exhaust fumes (废气) . I’ ve had two flat tires (扁胎) this year. S ometimes it won ’ t even start (启动) in the morning.
My car smells, has flat tire and won ’ t start.
So it ’ s a time to get a new car.
I have a lot of trouble with my car.