【单选题】According to the Incoterms 2010 rules, under which of the following term the buyer should take the most responsibilities?
【单选题】If the seller is unable to obtain an import license to export goods, which of the following term should not be used?
【单选题】When the price of oil and the freight increase, which trade term should the seller adopt?
【简答题】国际金融市场上的外汇汇率是由( )决定的。
【单选题】If the seller is not sure about the import declaration procedures, which of the following trade term should not be used?
【简答题】中国公民甲知道A国法院正在审理其配偶中国公民乙提起的离婚诉讼,便在自己住所地的中国法院对乙也提起离婚之诉。依我国司法实践,法院对于甲的起诉应如何处理?( )
【简答题】甲、乙两人同时解方程组 ,甲正确解得 ,乙因抄错c,解得 ,则a = ,b = ,c = 。
【单选题】According the Incoterms, under DDP term, the customs clearance in the import country should be procured by ________ .
【单选题】According the Incoterms, under DDP term, the customs clearance in the import country should be procured by ________