小题1:What are the right clothes to protect your skin from the sun ? A.A baseball hat and light-colored clothes. B.A baseball hat and dark-colored clothes. C.A sun hat and light-colored clothes. D.A sun hat and dark-colored clothes. 小题2:Where shouldn’t you put sun cream on your body? A.On your ears and neck. B.Around your eyes and eyelids. C.On dry skin. D.On darker skin. 小题3:What is the right way to use sun cream ? A.Use a little and often B.Use a lot, two or three times a day. C.Use a lot every two hours. D.Use a little every two hours. 小题4:Why is it important to spend time in the sun? A.You can drink more water. B.It improves dry skin. C.It’s a chance to wear cool sunglasses. D.It helps keep your skin and bones healthy. 小题5:According to the text which of the following is true about sun cream? A.Sun cream is usually very expensive. B.Black people don’t need sun cream. C.Sun cream reduces the risk of skin cancer. D.Sun cream starts to work immediately.