【单选题】If a customer says---or when it should be obvious to the retailer---that the goods are wanted for a __________ purpose, then they have to be reasonably fit for that purpose.
【单选题】女,8岁,3个月前因皮肤黏膜出血诊断为血小板减少性紫癜,用泼尼松治疗缓解。近1周来疲乏无力。脾肋下2cm,Hb70g/L,网织红细胞0.08,血小板60×10 9 /L,白细胞数正常;血清总胆红素76μmol/L,间接胆红素66μmol/L。骨髓增生明显活跃,以幼红细胞增生为主,巨核细胞35个,Coombs试验阳性。其诊断是()
【判断题】If a customer says that something he is buying is too expensive, you may tell him:"this is the cheapest here."
【判断题】"But don’t you think it’s worth a little bit extra to get the kind of TV that you want?" is very helpful if the customer says "it is expensive."