根据以下资料,回答下列各题: The Belgian blue is an ugly but tasty cow that has 40%more muscle than it should have. It is the product of random mutation followed by selective breeding--as,indeed,are all domesticated creatures.But where an old art i/as led,a new one may follow.By understanding which genetic changes have been consolidated in the Belgian blue,it may be possible to design and build similar versions of other species using genetic engineering as a short—cut.And that is precisely what Terry Bradley,a fish biologist at the University of Rhode Island,is trying to do.Instead of cattle,he is doing it in trout.His is one of two projects that may soon put the first biotech animals on the dinner table.The other project is led by Aqua Bounty. It is one thing to make such fish,of course.It is quite another to get them to market. First,it is necessary to receive the approval of the regulators.In America,the relevant regulator is the Food and Drug Administration(FDA),which Aqua Bounty says it has been petitioning for more than a decade and which published guidelines for approving genetically engineered animals in 2009.Aqua Bounty has now filed its remaining studies for approval,and hopes to hear the result this year.Dr Bradley has not yet applied for approval. The FDA is concerned mainly with the healthfulness of what people put in their mouths,and it seems unlikely that the new procedures will yield something that is unsafe to eat.But what happens if the creatures escape and start breeding in the wild?For that to be a problem,the modified fish would have to be better at surviving and reproducing than those honed by millions of years of natural selection.On the face of it.this seems unlikely. because the characteristics that have been engineered into them are ones designed to make them into better food,rather than lean,mean breeding machines. But there is a chink in this argument.As Mark Abrahams,a biologist at Memorial University in Newfoundland,points out,it is not just the fish that have been modified by man,but also the environment in which they could escape.Many of the creatures that eat salmon and trout,such as bears and some birds,have had their ranks thinned by human activity.Dr Abrahams thinks it possible that fast—growing salmon could displace the natural sort in places where predators are rare. Aqua Bountyis addressing such concerns by subjecting developing eggs to high pressures. The result,if all goes well,will be that animals follow plants down the biotech route. Whether people will actually want to buy or eat the new fish is a different matter--though they buy the meat of Belgian blue cattle at a premium.Perhaps clever marketing could make “double-muscled”fish into a premium product,to0.If people will pay extra for meat from a monstrosity like the Belgian blue,anything is possible. How was Belgian blue being created?
It was produced like all other domesticated creatures.
It was produced by natural breeding.
It was produced using genetic engineering as a short.cut.
It was a product of cross breeding.
【单选题】According to the Chinese team leader, what% the key to their success?
Debate practice sessions.
Solid training.
Research on Japanese.
Knowledge of parliamentary procedure and public speaking.
【简答题】水是一种重要的自然资源,是人类赖以生存不可缺少的物质,水质优劣直接影响人体健康。请回答下列问题: (1)某贫困山区,为了寻找合适的饮用水,对山上的泉水进行了分析化验,结果显示水中主要含钙离子、镁离子、氯离子和硫酸根离子。则该硬水属于____(填“暂时”、“永久”)硬度,若要除去Ca 2+ 、Mg 2+ ,可以往水中加入石灰和纯碱,试剂加入时先加______后加___ 。 (2)我国规定饮用水的硬度...
【单选题】According to the Chinese team leader, what's the key to their success?
Debate practice sessions.
Solid training.
Research on Japanese.
Knowledge of parliamentary procedure and public speaking.
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【简答题】新办公室 设计 合理,美观漂亮。
【简答题】I.语法填空(2018·郑州质检)I lost my last debate in the recent National High School Academic Debate & Speech Tournament held in Shanghai.But instead of focusing on my __1__ (fail), I stopped to reflect on my ex...
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