【多选题】下列是正确地进行计算机病毒的预防措施的有( )。
【简答题】四、定义判断。本部分包括单定义辨析、多定义辨析两类。 (一)单定义辨析。先给你一个概念的定义,然后给出一组典型例证,要求你从中选出最符合题意的一项。注意:假设这个定义是正确的,不容置疑的。 【例题】消费者:指以个人消费为目的而购买、使用商品或者接受服务的个体社会成员。 下列不属于消费者行为的一项是( ) A.小李购买家用电脑 B.小王使用洗衣机 C.小章接受商家免费安装空调的服务 D.小赵到人才市...
【简答题】夏天太热,吃完中饭后立即去游泳,消暑解热。 ( ) 判断对错
【简答题】An 1 woman died Tuesday afternoon in a fire. The victim was identified 2 Mary Cass. Her husband, Roy Cass, 80, was not at 3 at the time of the fire. Investigators from the local 4 department said it l...
【单选题】We said to her, "They're walking through the street now." We told her that ______ through the street ______.
they were walking; then
【单选题】下列选项中,不属于计算机病毒的预防措施是( )。
【简答题】When working in Africa as volunteers, we went to an orphanage to visit the children there one day. There we met a little girl named Naney. I handed a sweet to her. She didn't 1 her hands. I wondered w...