完成句子 1.政府计划在郊区建一个大的公园,居民不久就会见到它得以落实。 The government has planned to build a large park in the suburb, which the residents would like to see soon. 2.他们试图联系那位迷路的远足者但没能成功。 They tried to the lost tripper but failed. 3.线路繁忙接线人问我是否愿意等一下。 The line was engaged and the operator asked if I'd like to . 4.你看起来很焦虑,究竟发生了什么事? You look worried. What have you ? 5.一座新桥正在被建,这两个城镇将会被连接起来。 A new bridge is now being built, and the two towns will each other. 6.我们明天要考试,如果我和你一起出去的话,老师会责备我的。 We'll have an exam tomorrow. If I go out with you, our teacher me. 7.据说那个会议六点钟结束。 It's said that the meeting will at six o'clock. 8.我建议我们吃完家里的水果后再买。 I suggest that we more fruits after eating up those at home. 9.我仍记得那件事,就像是在昨天才发生一样。 I still remember the whole thing it yesterday. 10.在我看来,电脑将会是大多数人生活中非常重要的一部分。 , I think computers will become an important part of most people's lives.