【多选题】Which of the following is true of the description about myocardial fat infiltration?
Significant increase of adipose tissue in pericardial viscera
Adipose tissue extending into the myometrium in the direction of the cardiac cavity
Muscle layer thinning due to myocardial compression and atrophy
Serious cases can cause sudden death
Serious myocardial steatosis
【单选题】Compute the electric fields at points a, b, _____ c.
【单选题】He is old enough to _______ himself.
【简答题】宋词的婉约与豪放自()开始。 A、柳永 B、李清照 C、李煜 D、晏殊
【单选题】A symptom, not a disease, neur algia is manifested by pain along the course of a nerve.
【单选题】The old woman when she saw the old photos .
【简答题】He is old enough to know better than to spend all his spare time playing compute s.