【简答题】In the real world, most market systems are competitive. However, some
are less competitive than others. Can you give an example on a market
(product) that is relatively lack of competition? Please b...
【简答题】现以 TAR 为显色剂测定人发中的微量铁。称取试样 0.200 g ,经处理后转移至 25.00 mL 容量瓶中定容,移取 10.0 mL 于另一 25.00 mL 容量瓶中,加显色剂 2.0 mL ,加水至刻度。用 1 cm 比色皿以试剂空白为参比,于波长 730 nm 处测得其吸光度为 0.360 。试计算试样中的铁含量。 [ 已知 e 730 = 3.0 × 10 4 L/(mol · cm...
【简答题】Please give a presentation . Topic : A company introduction time : 6-7 minutes stucture : brief introduction , short history , products , strategies ,etc. please set two questions to the audiences o...