【单选题】Poverty forces you to budget. It ______ you to enjoy what you have, fix what's broken and shop for a bargain.
【单选题】Which of the following statement regarding risk and risk management is correct?
Risk management is more concerned with unexpected losses versus expected losses.
There is a relationship between the amount process involves developing risk mitigation strategy
If executed properly, the risk management process may allow for risk elimination within an economy
The final step of the risk management process involves developing a risk mitigation strategy
【单选题】辽宁的文学创作古已有之,但形成较大影响的是抗战时期的( )。
【单选题】Poverty forces you to budget. It ________ you to enjoy what you have, fix what's broken and shop for a bargain.
【简答题】《阿房宫赋》杜牧 1. 《阿房宫赋》中虚写长桥样子的句子是: , ? 2. 《阿房宫赋》中作者表达人人都想过好的生活,人同此心的句子是:“ , 。” 3. 《阿房宫赋》中作者用排比句渲染阿房宫所繁华奢靡,与老百姓的的劳作吃穿作对比,其中描写乐声之多与市井言语对比的句子是:“ , ”。 4 .《阿房宫赋》中总括秦的纷奢是建立在对人民的剥削和掠夺之上的,并且还挥霍无度,将剥削来的钱财像泥沙一样的浪费掉...
【简答题】总括秦的纷奢是建立在对人民的剥削和掠夺之上的,并且还挥霍无度,将剥削来的钱财像泥沙一样的浪费掉,给人民带来了深重的灾难。揭露和控诉了秦的自私无道的语句是 , ?
【单选题】The increased cost of necessities like food and shelter forces many elderly people to live in poverty .
【简答题】《阿房宫赋》 1 、 既在广阔的历史背景上引出阿房宫的修建,又起到了笼盖全篇、暗示主题的作用的句子是 , , , 。 2 、《阿房宫赋》中作者泼墨写意,粗笔勾勒。言阿房宫占地之广,状其楼阁之高的句子是: , 。 3 、从人们的主观感受写宫内歌舞盛况。既是以歌舞之纷繁衬托宫殿之众多,又为下文充盈宫室预作铺垫的句子是: , : , 。 ” 4 、以璀璨晶亮的明星来比喻纷纷打开的妆镜,既贴切又形象。...
【简答题】Poverty forces you to b________. It compels you to enjoy what you have.
【简答题】__________ 传输介质传输速度最快,误码率最低,抗干扰能力最强。