【单选题】近代大学者王国维说过:“凡一代有一代之文学:楚之骚、汉之赋、六代之骈语、唐之诗、宋之词、元之曲,皆所谓一代之文学,而后世莫能继焉者也。独元人之曲,为时既近,托体稍卑,故两朝史志与《四库》集部,均不著于录;后世儒硕,皆鄙弃不复道。”对这段话理解正确的有 : 1离骚、汉赋、唐诗、宋词、元曲都只是在某一朝代兴盛,后来就都消亡了 2元曲“托体稍卑”可以理解为元曲源于民间通俗文学,开始时文学地位比较低下 3...
【简答题】A.another B.one another C.each other D.every other
【单选题】為替は現金を用いずに( )手段として用いられているのです。 1済む 2終わる 3込む 4換える
【单选题】He goes to the gymnasium for physical training day. [ ]
【简答题】SectionA Directions: The following is a list of sports. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to ( 与...等同 ) those given in Chinese in the table belo w . Then you shoul d put ...
【单选题】____________professional violinist practices for several hours a day, but____________ violinist has his own way of playing the Beethoven concert. A. Each, every B. Every, each C. One, a ...
【简答题】阅读理解四 Directions : The following is part ofInformation for Tourists {At Your Service). After reading it , you are required to findthe items equivalent to ( 与 " ••“ 等同 ) those given in Chinese in the t...