【简答题】材料: “老师经常表扬我。我怕谁!” 学生阳阳(化名),现为六年级学生,原来是所谓的后进生,上课不专心,经常捣乱,作业也经常不完成.下课后与同学之间摩擦很多,老师见了个个头痛。同学对他敬而远之。他上五年级时,我是他的老师,就想:应多给他鼓励,让他建立自信。所以在一年多的时间里,常常对阳阳表扬有加,尤其是在他有进步时(哪怕这点进步在别人看来是微不足道的)。一段时间下来,效果果然明显.他对自己的行为已...
【单选题】When we arrived, we found the meeting room crowded with _______ students.
【判断题】1960年以后,人事管理开始转变为人力资源管理。 ( )
【单选题】在Excel 2010高级筛选中,若筛选条件在同一行,则表示()关系。
【单选题】When we arrived in the deep night, we found there was no food _______ as all the shops were shut.
【单选题】When we reached the station, the train had not arrived yet so we______.
had not needed to hurry
【简答题】When we arrived, there was a smell of cooking (come) ______from the kitchen.
【简答题】When we arrived at the station, it was said that the train would be late for ten minutes, so we _____. A) needed not to hurry B) needn't have hurried C) didn't need hurry D) hadn't needed to hurry