【简答题】Ann: Thank you for the birthday gift, Dad. It's the best gift I have ever had. Dad: 1. ______ Ann: I've always wanted a computer. 2. ________ Dad: And you need it to chat ( 聊天 ) with your friends, to...
【多选题】党的十八大以来,全面从严治党成效卓著。出台中央八项规定,严厉整治形式主义( ),巡视利剑作用彰显。
【简答题】Fill in the letters of the word according to the meaning given. The initial letter is given. a short, entertaining account of some happening, usually personal or biographical: a___
【简答题】微笑的基本要求是:发自内心、 、区分场合与对象。