【单选题】– When did the terrible earthquake in Wenchuan happen? -- It happened _________ the afternoon of May 12, 2008.
【简答题】When an earthquake starts, people must nm to open ground or ______.
【简答题】When an earthquake with level 7 in Richter scale rating is reported it means that its amplitude is ______ times stronger than a level 6 earthquake.
【单选题】---When did the terrible earthquake in Japan happen? ----It happened _________the afternoon of March 11, 2011.
【简答题】Where and when did the worst earthquake ever reported happen?
【简答题】When and where did the strongest earthquake happen in North America?
【单选题】(单选题)林则徐的《出嘉峪关感赋》中尾联“谁道崤函千古险?回看只见一丸泥。”运用 ( )的角度,用函谷关小如泥丸来反衬嘉峪关的雄伟。
【单选题】一个调查方案的制定的最主要依据就是这个调查( )