【简答题】一般培养基、生理盐水和手术敷料的灭菌,应选择( )。
【单选题】Company A exported 5 metric tons of tea. The tea suffered heavy storm in transit. The sea water in the ship's hold (船舱) led to the deterioration in the quality of part of the tea exported. This kind o...
constructive total loss
【单选题】Company A exported metric tons of tea. The tea suffered heavy storm in transit. The sea water in the ship’s hold led to the deterioration in the quality of part of the tea exported. This kind of loss ...
constructive total loss
【判断题】是一个块级元素。( )。 A、对 B、错
【判断题】应用文书可以分为公务文书和私务文书,其中前者又分为通用公务文书和专用通用文书两类,其中通用文书又分为法定文书和非法定文书( )。
【单选题】Company A exported a batch of tea. The tea suffered heavy storm in transit. The sea water in the ship,s hold led to the deterioration in the quality of part of the tea. This kind of loss is ( )
constructive total loss