【单选题】In spite of these investigations, China did not suffered a tremendous economic loss in terms of foreign trade.
【单选题】There are still some ______ for students of science and engineering, but those in arts and humanities have been filled.
【判断题】In spite of these investigations, China did not suffered a tremendous economic loss in terms of foreign trade.
【单选题】In spite of these insults, she d not to get angry.
【简答题】007年7月17日《人民日报》报道,甘肃省天水市清水县郭川乡宋川村位于半干旱浅山区.长期以来,这里干旱少雨,条件严酷,群众吃水难、发展难的问题比较突出。2003年,这个村开始实施“母亲水窖”项目工程,解决了群众吃水难的问题。此后宋川村以“母亲水窖’’项目为核心,发展庭院经济、果园“一室六配套”和养殖业,2005年底,这个村人均纯收入从2002年的960元提高到2200元。 (1)简要说明上述材料中...
【单选题】In spite of these unexpected difficulties,the Chinese astronauts________to launch ShenzhouⅧ successfully. [ ]
【判断题】In spite of these investigations, China did not suffered a tremendous economic loss in terms of foreign trade.