【单选题】对有违反法律法规、《高等学校学生管理规定》、本规定以及学校纪律行为的学生,学校给予批评教育,并视情节轻重,给予如下( )纪律处分。
【判断题】Cuisine in China is, in essence, an expression of Chinese festivals and daily life. It is a harmonious integration of colour, aroma, taste and shape. A Chinese banquet always typifies Chinese culture ...
【判断题】Nowadays Jiangsu Cuisine is very popular in China.
【单选题】What is the most famous Chinese cuisine in north China according to the text?
【判断题】Sichuan Cuisine or Chuancai, is one of the most widely served cuisine in China. It is well known for its freshness and mildness in the food.
【简答题】piece; integrate; partake; steam; choice; amaze; pleasure; present; aspire; hand Cuisine in China is a harmonious 1) ________ of color, taste, shape and fragrance. For the cooking process, chefs...
【判断题】Anhui cuisine is derived from the native cooking styles of the Yellow Mountains region in China and is similar to Zhejiang cuisine.
【简答题】材料: 课间,王老师发现教室地面纸屑很多,便让劳动委员安排打扫,自己去另一个班上课了。劳动委员心想,等放学后再让值日生打扫吧。不料这时值周生来检查卫生,班级被扣分了。同学们纷纷责备劳动委员和值日生。他俩也为谁该负责争得面红耳赤。事后,劳动委员内疚不已,决定辞职。王老师知道后并没有马上处理,决定第二天以“扫地风波”为主题召开班会。 第二天上午,王老师找班干部谈话,分析得失,统一认识。下午,班会上劳动...
【判断题】Hainan cuisine is one of the Eight Great Cuisines in China.