【简答题】5 Choose the correct answer. ► Try not to hurt/upset his feelings. hurt 1 Sarah’s not very emotional, and tends to show/hide her feelings. ____ 2 You can talk to Gary easily about your
【简答题】稳定系数K是( )除以( ),当K=1时,表示边坡处于( ),当K1时,边坡( )。
【简答题】5 Choose the correct answer. ► Our ancestors were Italian immigrants/members . immigrants 1 She’s one of my ancestors/relatives ;
she was born in 1880. ____ 2 Janet looks like/takes afte...
【判断题】活塞连杆组由活塞、活塞环、 活塞销 、 连杆 组成。
【单选题】已知关于x的方程kx 2 +(1-k)x-1=0,下列说法正确的是( )
【简答题】已知不等式组 x>-1 x<1 x<1-k (1)当 k= 1 2 时,不等式组的解集是______;当k=3时,不等式组的解集是______; 当k=一2时,不等式组的解集为______. (2)由(1)知,不等式组的解集随数k值的变化而变化,当k为任意有理数时,不等式组的解集为______.