【简答题】上海证券交易所于( )年开始正式开市营业。
【单选题】在我国的古代,把 "旅"和"游"连用成 "旅游"一词者,最早见于( )朝梁沈约的《悲哉行》一词"旅游媚年青,年春媚游人"。
【单选题】在我国古代,“旅游”一词最早见于 《悲哉行》一诗中。 ( )
【单选题】The Arabian Sea dead zone has been well known for decades because of the political and social [ ] in the region.
【单选题】上海证券交易所和深圳证券交易所先后于( )正式营业。
【单选题】Lewin was interested in taking research beyond books and looking at how it could ____ real social change
【简答题】上海证券交易所于( )年开始正式开市营业。
【判断题】Decades of social changes in Russia shed light on the positive effect of alcohol on people as a good outlet of negative emotions. ( )