【判断题】编制概算时,所有材料的运输距离均按 500km计算。( )
【判断题】编制概算时,所有材料的运输距离均按500km计算。( )
【单选题】Why Andy feel that he and his wife are not really welcome.
Because his Chinese friends snub his wife.
Because his wife is not included in the invitation.
Because he is not invited.
Because the Chinese are mean.
【简答题】井冈山革命根据地的建立和巩固的重大意义是( )。
【单选题】He and his wife are of the same _____ ; they both want their son to go to college.
【简答题】A.If he and his wife are interested in the business of the company. B.The conditions of the car. C.The couple's driving experience all their life. D.Both B and C