【单选题】Listeners usually react negatively to slang, jargon, and bad grammar in public speeches. Which is the key difference between public speaking and everyday conversation?
Public speaking is more highly structured than ordinary conversation.
Public speaking requires more formal language than ordinary conversation.
Public speaking requires a different method of delivery from ordinary conversation.
【多选题】48岁,女性。腹胀3个月,进行加重,腹部逐渐胀大,食欲降低,体重略有下降,大小便正常。近2月月经量减少,周期正常,无痛经,LMP10天前,G 1 P 1 A 0 L 1 ,20年前剖宫产分娩,否认肝炎及结核病史。母亲76岁,30年前曾患乳腺癌。腹部检查:外观呈"蛙腹状",移动浊音(+);妇科检查:外阴:(-),阴道:(-),宫颈:光滑,子宫附件因腹胀明显触诊不清,三合诊:子宫一直肠凹内触及"月牙样...