【单选题】Which of the following is true with regard to SWOT analysis?
In a SWOT analysis, external analysis attempts to identify the company’s strengths and weaknesses.
A SWOT analysis represents the strategy believed to be the best alternative to achieve the company goals
A SWOT analysis is typically conducted in the strategic training and development initiatives identification step of the strategic training and development process
A SWOT analysis provides a company the information needed to generate several alternative business strategies and make a strategic choice
【简答题】从键盘输入一个整数,大于等于 80 输出“优秀”,大于 60 小于 80 输出“及格”,否则输出“不及格”。
【简答题】化学是研究物质的组成、结构、性质及变化规律的科学.化学课外小组的同学利用下图所示装置对水进行研究. (1)将天然水倒入图A所示的蒸发皿中,观察到蒸发皿底部有一道一道的“水痕”,这说明天然水是______(填物质类别). (2)用如图B所示的装置对天然水进行净化,其中小卵石、石英砂、膨松棉的作用是______. (3)向图C的烧杯中倒入蒸馏水,观察到______,该反应的化学方程式为______,利...
【简答题】我们都知道CO 2 与NaOH溶液是很容易反应的,利用下图装置可进行“喷泉”实验.按图l进行实验的步骤是:首先在圆底烧瓶中充满干燥的CO 2 气体,在胶头滴管中吸满NaOH溶液(注意:一般情况下不能如此便用胶头滴管),按图1连接好装置,并固定在铁架台上.然后打开止水夹,将胶头滴管中的NaOH溶液挤入烧瓶内.在导管的尖嘴处就会形成美丽的“喷泉”. (l)实验室制取CO 2 的化学方程式:______...
【多选题】小组工作者解决冲突的方法与技巧有( )。
【简答题】在空气预处理系统中,压缩 空气贮罐有什么作用?
【单选题】The combined external and internal analyses are called ________. A) competitor analysis B) industry analysis C) market analysis D) SWOT analysis