【简答题】The charging system provides electrical energy for all the electrical components of the vehicle. The battery provides the electrical energy for starting, but once the engine is running, the alternato...
【单选题】In Trial 9, the electrical force exerted by Sphere Y on Sphere X and the electrical force exerted by Sphere X on Sphere Y were exerted in which direction(s)?
【单选题】Compared to common electrical conductors, superconductors
have little or no electrical resistance.
can be used for a long time.
are not energy-efficient.
【多选题】The nurse should implement which safety measures to prevent an electrical shock when using electrical equipment? Select all that apply.
Use a two-pronged outlet.
Check the electrical cord for fraying.
Keep the electrical cord away from the sink.
Place the excess electrical cord under a small carpet.
Grasp the electrical cord when unplugging the equipment.
Disonnect the electrical cord from the wall socket when cleaning the equipment.
【简答题】单句改错 1. There is no electrical station in this area. 2. It's hot, but the electrical fan isn't working. __ 3. You should send the electrical produced graph to the boss right away. __
【单选题】依次填入下面一段文字横线处的语句,衔接最恰当的一组是( )。
国家在任何时候都不能忽视粮食安全问题。中国多年来___________,_________,__________,___________,___________,____________。① 实现了粮食供应从长期短缺到总量基本平衡、丰年有余的历史性转变② 以占世界7%的耕地养活了占世界22%的人口③ 使粮食产量不断攀升④ 坚持以自力更生为主的粮食安全战略⑤ 推广良种、改善水利条件、精耕细作⑥ 在上世纪末突破5亿吨大关
【单选题】依次填入文段横线处的语句衔接最恰当的一组是( ) 空气质量优劣与人们健康生活息息相关, , 。 ; , , 。 1雾霾天气时,空气中的 PM2.5 等悬浮颗粒及有害气体影响人们的呼吸道健康,给身体带来不良影响 2并且在城市中污染物不易扩散 3严重的雾霾天气造成空气质量下滑 进一步对人体健康造成危害性。 给人们的出行、生活造成诸多不便 雾霾天气大大降低空气能见度,影响交通
【简答题】Electrical and Electronic Products