【判断题】所有者权益变动表“本年金额”栏内各项数字一般应根据“实收资本(或股本)” “其他权益工具” “资本公积” “库存股” “其他综合收益” “盈余公积” “利 润分配” “以前年度损益调整”科目的发生额分析填列。 ( )
【简答题】An air waybill has been effective ever since the moment when the consignor(or agent)and the carrier(or agent)give the signature after the waybill is filled.( )
【单选题】Since air pollutioncreates a negative externality,
social welfare will be enhanced when some, but not all air pollution is eliminated.
social welfare is optimal when all air pollution is eliminated.
governments should encourage private firms to consider only private costs.
the free market result maximizes social welfare.
【简答题】Everyone 1 air. Air is all around us. lt's around us when we go and play. Since we were bom,air has been around us on every side. 2 we sit down,it's aroundus. When we go to bed,air is 3 around us. So ...