【简答题】(选做题)阅读图文材料,完成下列要求。 (24 分 ) 肉桂是生态经济树种,生长不耐积水、喜疏松肥沃且富含有机质的酸性沙壤,当空气湿度大于80%,温度为26~30°C时生长旺盛,较充足的阳光有利于树皮的增厚。一般在栽种5~6年后可砍树剥皮。树龄越长,皮越厚,质越好。肉桂全身是宝,其叶经蒸馏可得桂油,桂油是初级香料原料,国际市场普遍使用桂油深加工生产苯甲醛;树皮称桂皮,也是重要的天然香料、饮料配料和...
【单选题】Cars, buses and bikes ______ stop when the traffic light is red. [ ]
【单选题】You ________ stop when the traffic light turns red. [ ]
【单选题】All the cars _____ stop when the traffic light is red. [ ]
【单选题】If the traffic light is red. You can't walk _____ the road. [ ]
【单选题】You _________ drive on when the traffic light is red.
【单选题】You ________ drive forward when the traffic light is red. [ ]
【单选题】According to the types of signs, traffic light can be regarded as