【简答题】辩护律师持 “三证”要求会见在押的犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的,看守所( ),至迟不得超过( )小时。但是,考虑到侦查活动的特殊性,( )犯罪案件,在侦查期间辩护律师会见在押的犯罪嫌疑人,应当经侦查机关许可。
【多选题】某厂宣传其产品的平均使用寿命不低于1000小时,进行检验时应( )
【简答题】A.Both time deposit and current deposit have the same interest rate. B.The interest rate is high for current deposit. C.The interest rate is low for time deposit. D.The interest rate varies with diffe...
左侧备择假设为H2:μ<1000< /div>
【简答题】A.Both time deposit and current deposit have the same interest rate. B.The interest rate is high for current deposit. C.The interest rate is low for time deposit. D.The interest rate varies with diffe...