【单选题】根据《生产安全事故报告和调查处理条例》(国务院令第493号)生产安全事故调查报告报送负责事故调查的( )批准后。事故调查工作即告结束。
【单选题】While no woman has been President of the United States, yet the world does have several thousand years of experience with female leaders, and I have to acknowledge it: their historical record puts men...
Women have had a better record than men throughout history.
Women have far exceeded men in leadership throughout history.
Women have made men ashamed of their own historical record.
Women have far exceeded men in recording experience throughout history.
【多选题】根据《生产安全事故报告和调查处理条例》,下列生产安全事故中,属于较大生产安全事故的有( )。
【单选题】President Bush's visit was planned to ______ 30th anniversary of President Nixon's visit to China.
【单选题】听力原文: In today's business news, it has been reported that Jane Parsons, president of the Star Company, will retire next year. Ms. Parsons' skill and corporate connections helped to build the Star Comp...
【简答题】《生产安全事故报告和调查处理条例》根据生产安全事故造成的人员伤亡或者直接经济损失多少,把生产安全事故分为: A.一般事故 B.较大事故 C.重大事故 D.特别重大事故
【单选题】下列关于中小企业私募债的特征的说法中,正确的有 Ⅰ、不用行政许可,直接由证券公司自己做方案,就可以推向市场 Ⅱ、募集资金用途没有任何限制,非常灵活 Ⅲ、中小企业私募债发行主体为中小微企业,发行资质要求低,发行条件宽松 Ⅳ、募集资金可以偿还贷款,也可补充企业流动资金Ⅴ、企业私募债在流动性土高于、在债券违约风险上低于高评级债券