【单选题】当基础高度小于Lae时,柱插筋在基础底部的弯折长度是( )。
【判断题】In feminine culture, communication is a way - probably the primary way - to express and expand closeness.
【判断题】In feminine culture, communication is a way---probably the primary way----to express and expand closeness.
【多选题】班轮运输的“四固定”特点具体是指( )。
【判断题】In feminine culture, communication is probably the primary way to express and expand closeness.
【判断题】Both men and women are supposed to be modest, tender, and concerned with the quality of life in feminine culture.
【判断题】In Feminine culture, communication is a way --probably the primary way--to express and expand closeness.
【单选题】In feminine culture, ______ is probably the primary way to express and expand closeness.
【判断题】In feminine culture, communication is a way---- probably the primary ways to create and express closeness.