【多选题】皮亚杰根据儿童认知发展阶段把游戏分为( )。
【单选题】世界上最大的哥特式建筑是________ 。
【简答题】患者男性,60 岁,原发性肝癌早期,拟行肝叶切除术。其术前护理,错误的是A. 低蛋白、高脂肪、高维生素饮食B. 适量输血或白蛋白C. 术前 2 天口服肠道不吸收抗生素D. 术前晚、术日晨清洁灌肠E. 配血
【单选题】最新的调查统计认为,海洋中的生物不下( )。
【单选题】听力原文:M: This book is due today, but I am not finished. Can I get it renewed? W: French Art & Architecture of the 19th Century. I have to check. Can I have the book and your library card? M: Sure. I ju...
He does not have his library card with him.
He does not want to return the book right now.
He does not like the system of putting books on hold.
He does not want to pay the fine.