Arrange the following words and phrases in proper order to form sentences. will agree that,will attract the most selective buyers,when you see our samples,and the high standard of craftsmanship,we think that,the quality of the material used 2. to meet your requirements,for the captioned articles,we shall be only too pleased,to revert to the matter,once our supplies are replenished,though we are at present unable 3. and we look forward to your first order,we would like to,details of which,such as stain-steel knives,you will find in the catalog,our other products,draw your attention to 4. steel forks,at your request,for 500 dozen,we are now quoting you,at $4.00 per dozen,FOB Dalian 5. represent better value,our competitors,are obviously superior in quality,we are well aware that,and therefore,but our products,are quoting at considerably lower prices