【多选题】Which of the following statements about the definition of 'gene therapy' by Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary are correct?
Gene therapy is alteration of somatic or germ-line DNA to correct or pr disease; the process of inserting a gene artificially into the genome of organism to genetic defect or to add a new biologic property or function with theutic potential.
In somatic gene therapy, functional DNA sequences are inserted into cells that lack a specific gene or bear a faulty version of it. Vectors include replication-defective viruses, liposomes, and plasmids.
For transfer of genetic material by viral infection (called transduction), retroviruses are particularly suitable as vectors because their RNA, converted to DNA by reverse transcriptase, becomes part of the genome of the infected cell. Adenovirus and herpesvirus are also used.
Progress has been made in treating several inherited disorders, including severe combined immunodeficiency, cystic fibrosis, and hemophilia