【简答题】6 月18日,出纳申请银行本票支付货款。请根据上述提示完成以下事项。 1. 填写一式三联的结算业务申请书 实操说明:请根据付款申请书(如图2-10所示)填写“出纳单据簿”(第49页和第51页)中一式三联的结算业务申请书(单据17-1)。 图2-10 付款申请书 2. 审批盖章 实操说明:请从“实务配套用品袋”中取出银行预留印鉴,对结算业务申请书(单据17-1)的第一联进行盖章操作。 3. 生成支...
【单选题】Cindy: Thanks for all your help. Joe: No problem. Have a good day! Cindy: ______ Thanks again. Bye.
【单选题】育龄在 左右的商品猪,其肉质细嫩,皮面光滑,毛孔细,肉易熟,熟后香味浓,味鲜美,质量最好。
【简答题】超声波流量计一般由( )、( )和( )三部分组成。
【单选题】He did not speak to me; ____________ me anything.
【简答题】Without Cindy's help, we wouldn’t have finished the task within the time (give).
【单选题】In order to finish the task on time , we can’t to waste a single minute.
【单选题】Cindy :______________ Rose: No, what happened? Cindy : They let him go as he is suspected to be cheating.
Did you hear about John?
【简答题】阅读理解。 Cindy: Good afternoon, Eric! Eric: Afternoon, Cindy! How are you? Cindy: Fine, thanks. How are you? Eric: I'm fine, too. Oh, what's this in (在…里面) your left hand (左手)? Cindy: It's a pen. Eric: w...