【简答题】患儿,男, 7 岁。发热 2 天,皮疹 1 天。查体:体温 38.9 °C,脉搏 99 次/分,呼吸 25 次/分;精神、面色可,头面部及躯干有散在的红色斑疹、丘疹和疱疹,四肢较少,咽部轻度充血。
【单选题】我国正式颁布的第一个学制未实施是多少年颁布的?( )
【判断题】The Italian used the epee while the French used the rapier in the 18 th century.
【单选题】男性患儿,7岁,发热喉痛2天,出疹1天来诊。查体:体温39.5℃,自颈部以下至躯干、四肢、皮肤可见弥漫性针尖大小皮疹,指压褪色,颌下淋巴结肿大,面色潮红,口周围苍白,咽部充血,扁桃体Ⅱ度肿大,草莓舌。 该患儿最可能的诊断是
【简答题】In the 13th century, the Italian traveler, Marco polo , traveled a long way to China , During his stay in China , he saw many wonderful things . One of the things he discovered was that the Chinese us...
【判断题】1904年,颁布《钦定学堂章程》,亦称“壬寅学制”,这是我国正式颁布的第一个学制,但未及实施。( )
【单选题】听力原文:M: I used to love this restaurant. For years, they had the best Italian food in town. W: I agree. It was one of my favorites too until they hired a new chef and changed. What did they say about t...
It's the best place to eat.
Italian food is the best.
They like it all the time.
They are disappointed in its recent change.