【简答题】A few years ago, Dave Stirling had the idea of selling CDs over the Internet. The business he started from his home in Ohio, the USA, now sells 500,000 CDs a year and has made him into a millionaire(百...
【单选题】依次填人下面一段文字横线处的语句,衔接最恰当的一组是( 3 分) ( ) 傅国涌在其演讲《民国教育的花开花落》中说:“我觉得民国的教育是成功的, ▲ , ▲ , ▲ , ▲ , ▲ ,让我们在这块土地上不仅享受祖祖辈辈传承下来的最优秀的文化,同时能享受来自全球的最优质的那些资源,这就是民国时代曾经做到的。” 1民国,是中国的乱世,它们的影响有好有坏 2一个时代不能因为它是乱世,就说它是失败的 3...
【单选题】构造方法是类的一个特殊方法, Python 中它的名称为
【简答题】Task.mp4 Mona Lisa, Mona Lisa, men have (1) __ __ __________.
【简答题】阅读理解。 When Daniel woke up yesterday morning, he found he was a bit late for school, so he started running to catch the bus. Moments later, he saw a dog, but not its lead. He tripped over the lead and ...
【单选题】人口密集地区,低压架空线路导线离地面的最小高度为( )m。
【判断题】洛尔定理中的三个条件:f(x)在闭区间[a,b]上连续;f(x)在开区间(a,b) 内可导; f(a)=f(b)是f(x)在(a,b)内至少存在一点 使 的充分而非必要条件。
【单选题】After Jack had sent some e-mails, he _______ working on his project. [ ]