下列关于旅游者在消费旅游产品时的特征表述正确的一项是( ) Which is the correct information about the characteristics of tourist consumption ?
是人的流动而非物的流动,且获得的是旅游产品的体验价值 The flow of people, not the flow of goods, and gaining the experience value of tourist products.
是人的流动而非物的流动,且获得的是旅游产品的暂时使用价值 The flow of people, not the flow of goods, and gaining the temporary usage value.
是人的流动与物的流动的结合,并伴随物的所有权转移 The flow combination of people and goods, along with ownership transferring of goods.
是人的流动与物的流动的结合,但不伴随物的所有权转移 The flow combination of people and goods, but not along with ownership transferring of goods.