【判断题】According to the western custom, given name is followed by family name.
【单选题】(1-3题共用题干) 患儿4岁,患室间隔缺损,病情较重,平时需用地高辛维持心功能,现患儿因上感后诱发急性心力衰竭,按医嘱用西地兰,患儿出现恶心,呕吐,视力模糊。 1、上述临床表现的原因是
【判断题】The custom of toasting in Western culture is to finish the drink at once.
【单选题】(1-3题共用题干) 患儿4岁,患室间隔缺损,病情较重,平时需用地高辛维持心功能,现患儿因上感后诱发急性心力衰竭,按医嘱用西地兰,患儿出现恶心,呕吐,视力模糊。 2 、此时你应采取的措施是
【单选题】______ he didn't know the custom in that country; otherwise, he wouldn't have made such a mistake. [ ]
【单选题】根据题示回答 113~115 题: (共用题干)1岁患儿,生后1个月时因患肺炎于外院诊断为室间隔缺损,共患肺炎3次。查体:生长发育差,心尖搏动弥散,胸骨左缘第3、4肋间可闻及3~4级粗糙的全收缩期杂音,传导广泛,有震颤,P2亢进。 第 113 题 此患儿最可能的心电图表现是 ( )