【单选题】下列各句中,加粗的成语使用 恰当 的一项是 [ ] A. 网购兴起的时代,也造就了物流快递的需求量大增,快递行业与我们的生活 休戚相关 。但是网购的限制无疑也是快递,尤其是节假日,如今恰逢“中秋”“国庆”双节,快递行业忙碌的同时,以往商家都会提醒大家网购要赶在快递放假之前。 B. 团里有一个被大家 刮目相看 的人物,那就是年方十岁的小演员,上上下下都亲昵地称她为“小东西”。 C. 无限风光在险峰...
【单选题】The ( ) is the only one of the thirteen federal appeals courts whose jurisdiction is determined entirely on the subject of the lawsuit it hears, rather than on the geographical location from wh...
【简答题】The Federal Appeals Court’s rulings 1) Microsoft was guilty of establishing a company that used its power to ________. 2) The Washington D.C. Court must ________ its order to divide Microsoft into two...
【简答题】The Federal Appeals Court’s rulings 1) Microsoft was guilty of establishing a company that used its power to _________________. 2) The Washington D.C. Court must reconsider its order to divide Microso...