【简答题】甲公司为增值税一般纳税人,适用的增值税税率为17%,所得税税率为25%,假定销售 商品,原材料和提供劳务均符合收人确认条件,其成本在确认收人时逐笔结转,商品、原材料售价中不含增值税。 2017 年甲公司发生如下交易或事项: (1)3月2日,向乙公司销售商品一批,按商品标价计算的金额为200万元。该批商品实际成本为150万元。由于是成批销售,甲公司给予乙公司10%的商业折扣并开具了增值税专用发票,并...
【单选题】回答题。 Simon: I work not because I like it but that I have to, so I often count the minutes until stopping workor holidays.However, my sister is totally different.She enjoys her work so much that she of...
Some people appreciate those who pay almost all their attention on work.
If you don' t get rid of workaholism, you may get ill.
To get promotion, you need to be a workaholic.
Workaholics' behaviors are hard to understand.
Workaholics had better have some time with no work.
It's hard for workaholics to be away from work psychologically.
Workaholics don't know how to enjoy themselves except working.
【判断题】国民党二大的成功召开,标志着第一次国共合作的正式形成。 ( )
【简答题】综合题:甲公司为增值税一般纳税人,适用的增值税税率为17%,所得税税率为25%,假定销售商品,原材料和提供劳务均符合收入确认条件,其成本在确认收入时逐笔结转,商品、原材料售价中不含增值税。2017年甲公司发生如下交易或事项: (1)3月2日,向乙公司销售商品一批,按商品标价计算的金额为200万元。该批商品实际成本为150万元。由于是成批销售,甲公司给予乙公司10%的商业折扣并开具了增值税专用发票,...
【单选题】. I worked in a store last year. The boss let me count the money at the end of the day and take it to the bank. My boss didn’t worry because I am trustworthy. A trustworthy person is .